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January Hurry

Got this tag from Chairwoman Marie (Vanidosa). Thanks po Kap! Wasn’t able to post it earlier. I was busy with my preschooler po kasi, hehe.


  1. Determine your birthday month and get a word that rhymes with it or you can affix to it. Caps lock your birth month (ex: MAYday! JUNE dune, APRILicious, JULYvely, AUGUST pocus, parched MARCH…). Be unique.
  2. Your birth month plus the word affixed or rhymed shall become the tag’s title in your case.
  3. Get your birthday and add the digits involved. Example, if your birthday falls on the 25th of July, add 2 and 5 you get 7.
  4. Whatever is the sum, write a list of the MATERIAL gifts you wish to receive, the number of which shall correspond to the sum of your birthday. For example, applying the case above (in rule number 3), you will write seven (7) things you wish to receive.
  5. After your wish list, put your name and birthday in the Bloggers’ Birthday Directory, with a link to your blog/s. Note: when you add your birthday, please place it in a way that the dates appear chronological (January, February… 1, 2, 3)
  6. Pass this tag meme by tagging as many people as you want.

Name: Amor
Birthday: January 30
Calculation: 3

My Wish Lists:

  1. laptop
  2. high-end camera phone
  3. LCD TV or Plasma TV

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