Thanks Honney Marie for the “Desiring God’s Will” book you sent for my birthday. I really appreciate it. So nice of you! I’m also looking forward to meeting you soon. 🙂
Instead of writing 35 things about me on my 35th birthday, I thought of listing down 35 of my favorite songs. Here it goes, in no particular order. 🙂 Promise Me – Beverly Craven This I Promise You – N’Sync …
6 years ago, a healthy baby boy weighing 8.36 lbs was born. Now weighing 60 lbs more or less and stands almost 4’2″, my baby is undoubtedly a big boy already. Since Sean’s 6th birthday falls on “no more classes” day, he …
Sean turned 5 year’s old last Saturday, March 27. We had small celebration in our house. He wanted to have party too but I told him no need coz he already had an advanced birthday party in his Kinder 1 …