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Flatter Spam, not at all flattering!

Last week, I received this ‘flatter spam’ and had I not googled it first, I would have approved it.  The commenter used the name Dixie Rosales. She used a person name, not some keyword or website name like most spammers do, don’t they? She also didn’t include any link in her comment.  She said:

“I‘m noobie in blog and have just built my own blog and currently I ‘m doing my best to study as many as I can about this short of thing. I truly like the site skin, can you tell me what template is this? Is it custom design or is it paid one? Anyway I can’t afford to get paid template nor have the skill to custom template myself. I’m sorry for the noobie question, thanks.”

flatter spam sample

Example of Flatter spam comments in this site.

Not sure if it was real or just spam, so I did what I usually do on comments such as this. I highlighted the entire comment and searched for it in Google.  I wasn’t surprised when I  saw similar comments in the results.


I am new at blog and have just run my own blog and currently I am trying to study as many as I can about this kind of new world. I really love this site layout, could you let me know what layout is that? Is that custom layout or is that paid one? Anyway I can’t afford to buy paid design nor have the skill to custom template myself. I’m sorry for this newbie question, thanks.

I am noobie at blogging and have just run my own site and now I am doing my best to learn as many as I can regarding this short of new world. I truly like the site layout, can you tell me what skin is it? Is this custom template or is that paid one? But I don’t have the funds to get paid template nor have the ability to custmozied template myself. Sorry for the noob question, thanks.

It doesn’t take a genius to read between the lines. 🙂

via Flatter Spam … A New Type of Comment Spam

3 thoughts on “Flatter Spam, not at all flattering!

  1. Flatter spam is an attempt to get by spam filters by submitting vague content, clean of any promotion, that applies to just about every blog. The spam often includes complimentary text designed to lure the blogger into approving the content, but again, the content is vague and shallow.