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Smashing eBook from Naldz Graphics Giveaways

Just won a Smashing eBook Bundle worth $119 in total from Naldz Graphics’ 2nd year anniversary giveaways.

Sponsored by Smashing Shop, owned by one of my (and I bet yours too!) favorite online magazines for designers and web developers, Smashing Magazine.

Smashing E-book

The Smashing Ebook Bundle (Ebooks 1 – 5) contains the following:

  1. Professional Web Design
  2. Successful Freelancing for Web Designers
  3. Mastering Photoshop for Web Design
  4. Mobile Design for iPhone and iPad
  5. How to Create Selling E-Commerce Websites

Thanks a lot Ronald Bien and Smashing Magazine!

via 2nd Year Anniversary Giveaway Winners

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