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Congrats Pacquiao!

Congrats Pacquiao! ‒ Was nervous watching Pacquiao vs Marquez fight. So intense! Looked like Marquez had the edge but the scorecard says otherwise. Manny became aggressive in the last few rounds, so he won over majority decision. What I liked most was when he prayed after the last round. That’s Manny Pacquiao. Congrats! Balato naman, haha! 😀

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Quote on Creativity

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”

~ Mary Lou Cook

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Humongous Premium WordPress Themes Competition

Humongous Premium WordPress Themes CompetitionWPShout is hosting a Humongous Premium Themes Competition. You’ll have a chance to win 1 of 30 Premium Themes. To enter the competition, you just have to be subscribed to the WPShout Newsletter until Monday, November 14. Winners will be chosen by random and will be notified through the newsletter.

WPshout is one of my favorite blogs about WordPress, I’ve learned a lot from it. The founder, Alex Denning is also very friendly. I’ve asked him several questions before and he’s so accommodating. He’s a 17 year old multi-talented WordPress Geek from United Kingdom. He’s half my age! 🙂

In April last last year I was lucky to have won Premium WordPress Themes from WPShout. I won WpShowcase Theme Standard Pack (worth $59) sponsored by Gabfire Themes.

Who knows, I’ll also be lucky this time. 🙂

So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to WPShout Newsletter not later than November 14, 2011 to be eligible for the competition.


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My 93-year-old Grandfather

Me and Sean, with my 93-year-old grandfather when we visited him at the hospital. He’s already blind, he had cataract and glaucoma ages ago. He’s also half deaf, you have to talk near his ears so he could fully understand you. I promised to visit him and celebrate his 94th birthday on April 2012.